Tuesday, March 18, 2014

!7 March-From Beautiful Farm Country to the Mojave Desert

Today we drove from the fertile Joaquin Valley to edge of hell known as the Mojave Desert.  The wind was blowing about 40 miles per hour which gave me good gas mileage as long as the wind was behind us, but the dust was awful.
                                                     Wind Turbines everywhere
                                            Several hundred wind turbines, all sizes.
                                                  Then almost nothing-dust and sagebrush (and cheap land)
                                                                  No water--no nothing.

                                         Finally a small town in the distance.  Look how straight the street is.
                                            Their sense of humor is great and correct, they are at least 100 miles from anywhere.  Have you ever heard of Inyokern, CA ??
                                       This is the only curve in 20 miles so lots of folks run off the road here, (not me , I was taking a picture)
                                           Streets are not paved so --- dust control.
     We are staying at China Lake, CA a Naval Air Weapons Range.  There is no lake here and yes I know the clothes bag is useless.  The bag came apart when the temp got to -40 at Big Sky, they don't make things like they use to.
                    No grass here, Judith said she would be crying if we were moving here.  But with no city around the sky is full of stars and the full moon is bright in the sky.  Tomorrow we venture into Death Valley then on to Las Vegas, finally we are headed EAST.

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