Monday, February 11, 2013

Crazy Snowmibilers

 What a beautiful day to enjoy Gods creation and its beauty.  Lots of sunshine but still cold with some light snow and more on the way.  We took trails up to Christmas Meadows which is a bit above 9,000 ft and is on the edge of the Uintas Wilderness area. No other snow machines had been in the area since the last big snow so we were making fresh tracks everywhere we went.
 I am getting more accustomed to the snow machine and having a back seat driver so close.

Christmas Meadows is beautiful, maybe 50/75 acres open area in the mist of the National Forest with several feet of untouched snow, what beauty.

Judith insisted on a picture in the untouched snow, I tried to tell her that once we walked to the spot for a photo the snow would no longer be untouched, oh well maybe I can photo shop out our footprints.

Lennis has most of his clothes on but is still cold, here he is taking a nap after a exhausting session of getting dressed.
Check back tomorrow

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