Friday, July 31, 2009

48-72 Hours old Cody Cooper Yance

Murray's neice, Raleigh holding Cody.

Murray's Grandmother holding Cody, his Aunt and his mother.

Look at look for codycooperyance, password; blaxton

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Latest Addition to the Whittington/Yance Clan

The new mom is up and around, thinks she feels great, just good to be not pregnant anymore.

All expantaint mothers look the same. Jana was ready for the arival of Cody. She was in good sprits and moderate pain, first contractions late Monday ( 27June) then things started happening Tuesday (28 July) Cody was born 1616 28th July. Mother and son are doing fine. Cody was born 1616, 28 July , 9 lbs 5 oz, full head of black hair. Murray put the Alabama cap on first thing. A new Alabama fan.

Good looking kid has all his fingers and toes, and is sleeping all the time

Granmaw, trying to look like she knows everything. Judith was as excided as Jana and stayed with her and Murray during the delivery. Judith was still so high last night she could not sleep.

The nursery, Red and Hounstooth, Alabama junk everywhere, hope Cody enjoyes red.

Everyone is doing great, Jana has been up and around already, Cody has nursed a little and doctors say everything is fine, Jana expects to go home Thursday and we will return toHuntsville Sunday. Murray has taken off two weeks so we we plan to come back aqbout the 8/9 Aug so Judith can help Jana until she is all well.