Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Man Overboard

We checked out Llangollen this morning, a small but beautiful town on the Dee River and the head of the Llangollen Canal. Lots of Welch craft shops, local shops and tourististy things. We walked around , went to the Public Library and had lunch at a fish and chips place, which might have been the brother to Cpt D’s, we had fish and chips for only $13 each, coffee was a mere $3 and no refills, this place is also expensive. Tonight the girls are cooking good Alabama food, SPAM \, Mac&cheese.

We departed from Llangollen about 1430 and had a good trip down the canal traveling with the current, we traveled lots faster. The Aqueducts and tunnels went much faster now that we were a bit more familiar with the boat and the area. It has been a typical English day, drizzle rain, cool & overcast so the pictures are a bit different.

The aquaduct ,from the back of the boat, 125 meters down on the left.

We came thru Chirt and started looking for a spot to moor the boat and start supper. After spotting a prime place I moved over to the bulkhead then Tommie stepped off the boat with the rope to hold the boat while we put the bow and stern ties in place. But then I was distracted and next thing I know Tommy is trying to water ski on the canal---MAN OVERBOARD well----- MAN in the canal. We were all worried about Tommie drowning or something, he was threshing around yelling and scaring the ducks,----then he stood up and the water was less than 3 ft deep. Tommie was not very nice when I ask him to catch the life ring so it would make a better picture, he climbed out of the canal and got the cabin all wet as he came in to dry his wallet and camera… I didn’t get a good picture. So no one was hurt, we are all still alive and well and still speaking, I think.

Susie checking the area where Tommy went swimming, can you see all thr eyes in the background?? (cows watching us)

Another day, another dollar.

We are traveling South toward Nantwitch.



This is my version of the man over board incident, Larry being a novice helmsman and having been given specific instructions on how to dock the boat allowed me to step off the boat in order to start secure the lines. In an instant he and my wife decided it was an excellent time to take me on a quick water ski run, unbeknowns to him 4 knots will not do the trick. As a result I got to check the quality of my water proof boots from the inside out. Tomorrow we will have another docking lesson, only without me holding the lines.

Damp but not distraught.

A dry Tommy but not a happy Tommy.

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