This is the closing blog, our trip is at an end and we are safely at home, tired but we had a great time. This final blog covers the time period from Thursday evening, 29 May until are arrival at home 31 May about 1000.
So we made our way to the Crown Plaza for a short night's rest, new departure 07:10 Sat morning. Our room came with ear plugs (really) because we were so near the active runways and Chicago is busy all night, but we were tired and got some sleep anyway. Sat morning at 04:30 the buzzer went off and we were up and ready, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for the final leg of our journey. Got to the airport and through security without any trouble, then some unsuspecting lady ask about our trip and Tommy grabbed her, sat her down, I got the laptop out, and for the next hour we held her hostage and showed our pictures, all talking at once, telling about different parts of the trip we had enjoyed , the poor lady keep saying something about having a weak heart and did not need such excitement but we plowed on, she was only saved by the flight being called. So let this be a warning to everyone, we are armed with lots of lies and several thousand slightly out of focus pictures, so mention the trip at your own peril.
Thanks to Ella for providing transportation to and from the airport. What are friends for, if you can't take advantage of them ever so often.
Thanks to Brooks and Leigh for showing me how to blog and ensuring me that any idiot could do it (they were right).
Thanks to Tommy and Susie for keeping their cool and being such great travel companions, we are still speaking,(I think)